How it Works

What is the Electro-Acuscope?

The Acuscope is a highly sophisticated electronic medical instrument which is designed to scan and treat many types of painful conditions. It is one of a class of FDA-approved devices called TENS(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). TENS means that electricity is used to treat pain by stimulating the Nervous System of your body without puncturing the skin in any way like acupuncture does. However, unlike common TENS units which are designed to temporarily block the pain signals from registering in the brain, the Acuscope uses micro amperage, a significantly milder level of electricity that helps tissue restore itself to a normal, healthy state. In fact, micro amperage is often called “bio-identical electricity. The Acuscope is the most technologically sophisticated, gentle, and effective Electrical Nerve Stimulation available.

What is the Myopulse?

Companion instrument to the Acuscope, the Myopulse is microcurrent EMS (Electrical Muscle Stim) for treating painful syndromes in connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia). Unlike any other Electrical Stim modality, bio-feedback from the tissue enables the Myopulse to “read” the electrical properties of contractile cells and send in corrective waveforms that reduce knots, spasms, tightness and tension; and help speed up the repair process where there are strains, sprains and tears. Together the two pieces of equipment comprise a safe, non-invasive but comprehensive neuro-muscular microcurrent treatment system designed primarily for pain and stress management.

Multiple Treatment Sessions

Often a patient will feel immediate results during or within several hours after the first treatment. Usually, a series of sessions is necessary to complete the job of achieving lasting results. BE PATIENT. The body in its infinite wisdom knows how to repair itself; the cells are simply programmed to fix and replace themselves. The Acuscope helps nerve cells and the Myopulse helps muscle and other connective tissue cells to do the self-repair job faster and more efficiently.

Preferably the first three treatments are three days in a row. The average patient with severe chronic or very acute pain usually requires a series of eleven or more treatments over a four week period in order to obtain lasting or permanent relief. It is recommended that you complete your entire series of treatments prescribed by your doctor to insure that your body will be able to repair itself completely.

The Results

The results are cumulative; that is, the benefits accumulate over time. This is true both for pain relief as well as for returning to normal use and unrestricted range of motion. Once this state is achieved during a series of treatments, the relief will last longer and longer with each additional treatment. The goal, of course, is long term pain relief. After a series of treatments, many people have permanent pain relief and never need another Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse treatment for the same condition. For some, the relief is more temporary and a series of additional treatments is necessary. Booster(maintenance) treatments may be needed as often as weekly, or as seldom as once a year. The readings(audio and digital feedback) will indicate to your Bio-Technician the necessary course of therapy. It is not uncommon that an old, chronic condition will be completely eliminated by Acuscope/Myopulse treatments. At some future time, if reactivated by a new trauma, faster results are frequently seen than during the initial course of therapy. The reason for this is that these treatment scause the body to maintain a generally healthier state (more “fully charged”) and self-repair processes are more efficient. When treatments are given before and after a surgery, speedier recovery, less need for pain medication, less scarring of the incision site are typical results

So you can get back to living life and following your dreams!